Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Prongs - Fun Literary Things to look at

Alright folks so we are not all serious all the time. Actually that is probably most of the time. We try to be all professional but really we squeal a lot any time we even bring up books. So we thought we would share a couple links that have to do with literary things but are still wicked sweet.

If you like any thing you see on here just google 'book art'. You can find tons of sweet things. Try not to cry when you look at these. Just imagine they are all copies of 'The Jungle' and 'The Davinci Code' ..... no one really cares about them.

Next, for those of you like who who enjoy bargin hunting for old beautifullllll copies of books, here is an excellent site devoted completely to the random and sometimes wonderful things found inside the pages of books.

Pretty self explantatory.

Finally a link that is very near to both mine and Padfoot's heart. It is a link to an excellent site that has tons of pictures of literary tattoo's. I actually have one around my wrist from the poem Invictus. Don't steal it people. I kid I kid. But no seriously...don't. Or I'll avada kedava your ass. But we do encourage any one who loves books like we do to consider something like this. Possibly one of the best things I have ever done. We prefer the font ones but some of the pictures are cool as well.

If you were going to get a literary inspired tattoo what would you get?

" I am the master of my fate"
"I am the captain of my soul"
-From Invictus by Henley.
Alright kids that is all the fun literary things we have for you for today. Padfoot is currently working on our OFFICIAL website so hopefully we will have that for you to pour over soon. Also keep an eye out for a couple of new reviews within the week. Until then keep reading!

Mischief Managed!


  1. The leading picture is brilliant. Just brilliant.

  2. I love book art, if only it was all made with Dan Brown's work.

    Found you via LJ, and am overjoyed. I've been looking for a new bookblog that is not centred on YA. I see one of you've read Nabokov, what did you think of him?

  3. Well I have read Lolita. Fantastic! I know the opening page by heart haha. Gets to be a bit much at the end but over all was an extremely enjoyable experience. Make sure to NOT rent the movie. I would strongly suggest reading Lolita if you have not already. It is a classic (and my cat is named Lola after her).

    And I am OVERJOYED as well to see the Dan Brown comment. If I ever hear one more person say...Don't read the Da Vinci Code...Angels and Demons was better....I'll punch them in the throat. Hard. That's like saying one pile of crap smells better than another. It doesn't make it not crap.

  4. It is, isn't it? I love, love, love Nabokov and Lolita. The entire opening page? Impressive! I commited the first paragraph to memory, but, alas, it's long gone. I saw the film after reading the book, and it was bad. Doesn't do the book justice at all. How could it, really? What makes it so good is the narration, not the plot. And that usually makes for very bad movies.

    Brown is one of the worse I've read. An albino monk, raised by the evil mastermind to do his bidding and flog himself? Come on, even the fanbrats can do better. I can't believe he got the thing published. It works decently as a movie script, though. It's just not literature.

  5. Yess I am glad you agree! I loved his writing style. Had some AMAZING narration. You have points where you just flat out forget that there is anything incestuous because it is so beautiful. And yea I agree about the movie. It could never have been good. Most good works of literature can't be made into movies. It's no contest. Have you read any other Nabokov? I am definitely interested in picking up more (On top of my already ridiculous list)

    Completely agree about Brown. The only thing those books had that was worth a dime was the random bits of trivia. That was enough to make it print worthy. But the plot...gag me. But sadly enough I read Angels and Daemons only to then go ....hey I think I have heard this plot before. Just to check my theory I read Deception Point. And by then I just had to laugh. It was like Brown does a mad lib where he crosses out names, places, and small events and then re fills them in to make a new story. Overall it is still EXACTLY THE SAME.

  6. It is disturbingly good, precisely because he makes us forget what Humbert is up to. His killing of the Haze woman seems perfectly all right. I have, several. His earlier, Russian works are not as good as the later, but some are very interesting experiments ("Despair", for instance). "Ada or Ardor" is tremendously difficult, I haven't gotten through it yet – though the only time I have tried was on a dreadful planeride to the US. Might have something to do with the circumstances. – Unless you know Russian and French, you will lose a lot. It is perhaps his most experimental, but also praised as one of his best by fanatics. "Speak, Memory" is enchanting, and made me long for a Russia I've never seen. "Look at the Harlequins!" is also allegedly difficult. I haven't gotten round to reading it yet, it's somewhere in the to read-pile.

    That turned into a rant, sorry!

    The trivia was very fun. And there were a few decent scenes, I think. Bleh, if you're going to recycle plots at least do it with some style and be honest about it. You've got some serious stamina, getting through all three. When I get a craving for some light reading I go to Cornwell, the writing is horrid, but at least the plots are interesting.


You solemnly swear you are up to no good...